Wednesday, 15 July 2009

New beginnings.

I've been thinking of starting a blog for a while now and, for some reason, today is a good day to start.

I've been a huge fan of blogs like Rhonda Jean's Down---t0--earth, for a while now and whilst I'd toyed with the idea that a blog would be a nice way of recording my life it never occurred to me that I'd have the computer skills to create a blog of my own.

My computer skills suck! Unlike my sons I wasn't brought up with computers, (I remember coming across my very first computer when I worked at ICI in the early 80's and being very impressed - and very scared that I'd break it.....), so finding my way around anything that isn't vitally necessary for everyday life freaks me out - so I avoid it like the plague.

I could ask the OOD, (Offspring of Doom), for help but can't bear the rolling of the eyes and the disparaging looks that I get from either of them when I ask for something that they consider to be as easy as breathing. This also extends to doing any form of housework or indeed any task that they don't want to do. Apparently this is quite normal for teenagers, but it does make my hackles and temper rise and I do wonder how the human race survived past the first couple of generations of teenage self -centredness. Is there a word for 'the strong desire to throttle your supercilious 14 year old'? Teenagercidal mania? Whatever it is I get it 'real bad' at times!

So, despite the computer skills of a geriatric mayfly, I've decided to give this bogging lark a try. If I only ever record my thoughts for later self reflection and the ability to review my year, it will be helpful as I often have the feeling that life doesn't change for me.

So, taking a deep breath and crossing all my fingers, toes, eyes etc, here goes....

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